We take the best of what biology offers and apply the lens of a chemist.
Our directed evolution process starts with constructing custom libraries built by our team of leading biologists, chemists, and engineers.
We then rapidly express improved enzyme candidates via cell-free protein synthesis.
We’ve learned from evolution and natural selection that to find the most fit organism for an environment, it’s important to have the right selection pressure.
We impose relevant selection pressure and look for enzymes that can thrive outside of a natural environment.
In an automated and iterative process, we then screen the resulting enzymes and choose a single winner.
We’ve developed a toolkit to rapidly produce enzymes inside of microbial systems.
This is a significant step change in technology that allows the personal care industry access to new enzymes that were previously not available.
We use the existing industrial biomanufacturing processes and infrastructure from the pharmaceutical and specialty chemical industries, to scale up the production of our enzymes to commercial levels.
Our process yields cost-effective biobased ingredients that are orders of magnitude better than chemicals and have a net positive impact on the planet.
Because of the inherent catalytic nature of enzymes, we can do more with less.
Our solution will radically reduce the amount of chemicals entering our environment, bodies, and waterways.